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Cyber Security Awareness Training

Cyber security training helps minimize human error by empowering the end user on responsible use of technology.

Your cyber security program is as strong as your weakest link. Humans happen to be the weakest link with research indicating 90%+ of all security breaches are attributed to human error. To deal with this problem, Techinnovar has put together a comprehensive but insightful training program to empower the end user on responsible use of technology to minimize human error. This programme will radically equip your employees with basic knowledge on security matters and how to effectively respond in the wake of a cyber- attack.

From phishing and weak passwords to unattended laptops and social media hygiene, the threats are many and pose real danger to your security. There are plenty of ‘bad guys’ ready to take advantage of your employee’s mistakes. Our training will help you mitigate cyber risk courtesy of the simple mistakes your team is making every day. The training modules are engaging and experiential, we break down the seemingly complex cyber security jargon to simple and easy to understand language that impacts meaningful behavioral change.

Techinnovar Awareness Training (TAT) covers the following topics;

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Social Media Responsibility
Password Integrity
Insider Threat
Storage Devices
Inadvertent Disclosure of privileged information
Threat reporting and escalation

Empower the end user on responsible use of technology with Techinnovar

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Business & Home Cyber Security